For the next week, the Confederate Army waited for the Union Army to attack. When Lee realized McClellan had moved most of his forces out of Virginia, Hill's division was marched to the south of Richmond, where they went into quarters. Hill's new division had met every challenge thrown at them, and Hill himself had performed admirably. But now after suffering nearly 5500 casualties, the division rested and licked its many wounds.

During this period, the 3rd Louisiana troop commander, Edmund Pendleton was promoted to Colonel and given his own brigade, and the 3rd Louisiana regiment soldiers were augmented into other Louisiana regiments. Thomas' brigade was now all Georgian, but Thomas himself gained more responsibilities. Joseph Anderson, at the request of the Confederate Congress, resigned his military office and returned to run the Tredegar Iron Works. While soldiers and officers were important to the Southern cause, the munitions factory at Richmond would become a major supplier of arms to the South. Thomas, while still in command of the 35th regiment was now put in command of the entire brigade.

John Pope

courtesy General Officers of the Civil War

Early in the summer of 62, division commander AP Hill got into a severe conflict with his superior officer, James Longstreet, that nearly culminated in a duel. Hampered by a shortage of officers, Lee stepped in and put a halt to the duel, and in an attempt to rectify the problem, transferred Hill's Light Division from Longstreet's Corps to Stonewall Jackson's Corps on July 27th. Jackson, who was warily watching the Union Army under new commander Major General John Pope moving out of Washington, accepted the brash new commander and his needed troops. The 35th Georgia now became part of what was known as "Jackson's foot cavalry". They didn't have long to wait to find out where the nickname came from.

With forces on the tip of Virginia still threatening Richmond, Lee felt it was time to take the war back north and put the front lines back near Washington DC. Pope was marching his army south, and Lee gave Jackson orders to delay them. The aggressive Jackson was sent northwesterly to block the Union advance, while Longstreet was to follow with the intention of turning this defensive move into hopefully, an offensive one. The same day they were transferred to Jackson's command, the Hill division began loading onto trains and shuffling from Richmond to Gordonsville, Virginia. Here, the rest of Jackson's Corps was encamped. On August 6th, Jackson put his Corps on the march. Having received word that the advancing Union Army was spread out dangerously thin, Jackson decided to attack the leading divisions of Nathaniel Banks Union Corps and defeat them before they could retreat or be reinforced. For two full days the Confederate Corps marched, Hill's Division in the rear. The morning of the ninth looked to be another full day of hot, dusty marching, but early in the afternoon, sounds of battle raged north of Hill's Division. The men continued forward as Jackson hurriedly threw the leading elements of his Corps into battle formation. It would be nearly 5:30 before Thomas' brigade, leading the Hill division, would arrive at the battlefield. To their right sat Cedar Mountain, sometimes called Slaughter's Mountain (nicknamed after Revolutionary soldier, Capt Philip Slaughter). To their left sat heavy woods. But to the front, on open ground, Jackson's forces were in severe trouble. Part of Thomas' brigade of Georgian's, including the 35th, 45th, and 49th Georgia regiment's, were immediately sent to the right flank of the Confederate line, where General Early's forces were being hard pressed. Rushing at the double quick into line, the Georgian's would take position's behind a fence line and as Early would later write "their arrival was very timely". Attacking Early' men were Union division's under General Henry Price. These included the 3rd Maryland, 102nd New York, 109th and 111th Pennsylvanian's, and element's of the 8th and 12th US Battalion's. The lead division's of the 3rd Maryland and 111th Pennsylvanian's were followed by the 109th Pennsylvania and 102nd New York. In a miscue, the Union rear element's mistakenely fired a volley into the 3rd Maryland, and the two front element's of this Union advance had fallen back. Trying to keep order, General Price would be captured. Now, the 109th advanced toward the hard pressed right flank of General Early, while the 102nd New York wheeled to their left to face the newly arrived Georgian's under Thomas. Thomas' men fired a volley, and as Early would later write, "effectively checked (the Federal) progress, strewing the ground with the killed."

In the mean time, the 14th Georgia, which had been in the rear of the Thomas' brigade, played a key part in stopping the complete rout of the Confederate left line. Followed closely by the rest of Hill's Division, Folsom's Georgian's advanced through fleeing Confederate troops and effectively stopped the Union advance. Reinforced by other element's of Hill's Division, Archer and Pender's troops would crush the advance and make a successful charge of their own, thus ending the battle.

The day ended for the 35th Georgia with a loss of 9 men killed and 17 wounded. The timely arrival of Hill's division was the determining factor in the outcome of the battle, with the Georgian's arriving on the right flank in time to help Early turn back a strong assault, and the following brigades rushing in to secure the already crumbling left flank.

View of Cedar Mountain from Union position
Photo compliments of US Army Military History Institute Carlisle Barracks

More reading on Cedar Mountain

35th Georgia Index