May 21st the opposing lines across from Hill's men seemed unusually quiet.
Lee had received intelligence that part of Grant's army was moving south,
and he had dispatched part of his forces to block them. Now it appeared the
entire Union army was gone, and after confirming, Lee put Hill's Corps on
the march again about nine that evening. Lee was now convinced the Grant
was going to try to cross the North Anna River at Hanover Junction.
Sunday May 22nd was a beautiful sunny day, the first in nearly two weeks.
Constant rain had made the Spotsylvania battle even more miserable than most,
and the roads were thick in mud. By early morning, the first of Lee's troops,
Ewell's Corps had moved into Hanover Junction. Now it was a waiting game
to see what Grant would do. Grant, with an overwhelming numerical advantage,
tried to keep Lee off guard by having his corps approach the river at different
locations. Early that morning, Lee himself investigated reports of a possible
crossing at Jericho Mills, but had decided it was a ruse by Grant. He had
ordered Hill to leave his men in camp, 3 miles away at Anderson's Station.
Lee was concerned, but convinced Grant would cross farther south and east.
Mill from the Union (north) side of the river. It was this pontoon bridge
that saved the Union forces from collapsing under Wilcox's attack. Photo
taken day after battle. Battle field in distance, over ridge.
1 pm, factions of General Governeur Warren's 5th Corps began crossing the
river near Jericho Mill. Within a few hours, they were discovered by the
1st South Carolina Rifle's who gave the advancing Federal's a momentary fire
fight. Warren, with his forces split on either side of the river, and with
the pontoon bridges not yet complete, trapping his artillery on the north
bank, was nervous. Hill, upon receiving word of Warren's situation, saw a
chance to strike a devastating blow against his enemy. By 4:30 pm, Cadmus
Wilcox's Division, including Thomas' Georgian's were marching to intercept.
At that very moment, Union artillery began crossing the river on the completed
pontoon bridge.
After the initial engagement with McGowan's 1st South Carolinian's, the area
had grown quiet. Convinced now that the Confederate Army was not going to
attack them, the Federal units already across the river, began to relax and
cook their dinners. A mile away, Wilcox's Division was already in battle
line and advancing quietly on their unsuspecting foe. By 5:30 pm, Union scouts
reported the dust of a heavy column approaching. Wilcox placed three of his
brigades in a single line perpendicular to a dirt road leading into the Union
line. Lane's North Carolinian's were to the right of the road. On the left
was Brown's South Carolinian's (McGowan having been injured at Spotsylvania),
and Thomas' Georgian's. The plan was to assault the Union right, which was
weakened by a gap in the semi-circular shaped Union line. Scale's brigade
was to swing around Thomas' brigade, and attack the Union right. In the Union
center, Gen Charles Griffin's men were well entrenched in a stand of trees,
while fresh Union forces hurried across the river to fill in the gap on the
At 6 pm, Wilcox advanced. The initial attack successfully took the Union
forces off guard. The Union right quickly collapsed, while Griffin's men
in the center were staggered but held. Lane's brigade on the far right, facing
an entire division under Gen Samuel Crawford, advanced but was held at bay.
Thomas' Georgian's did not perform as well in this attack. Early on, as Scales
men swung around them to hit the Union flank, the Georgian's were staggered
by cross fire, and the entire brigade broke and fled. Had they not fled,
it is possible the attack on the right flank would have been more successful.
As it was, Union artillery was rushed into the area vacated by the fleeing
Union soldiers, and beat back the assault. Without support, Wilcox's division
fell back after a few hours fighting.
Hill had faced over 15,000 Union soldiers, some well entrenched, with about
6,000 and failed to push the Union Army back across the river. Everyone was
angry after this battle. One South Carolina soldier later grumbled, "It
could hardly be expected that one small division, of four brigades, should
rout these." Lt George Mills of the 16th North Carolina wrote that
"General Wilcox cursed out Thomas and the others who failed to come up."
Wilcox was also angry that his division had received no support from Heth.
Lee, upon hearing of the debacle, was extremely agitated. In a rare incident
where he compared one of his officer's to Stonewall, he is said to have asked
Hill "Why didn't you do as Jackson would have done - thrown your into
force upon those people and driven them back?"
Although Thomas' Georgian's had performed poorly in the overall battle, the
35th still lost 10 killed, 28 wounded and 21 missing. These were high casualties,
so their retreat did not come quite as early in the battle as some
next morning, Hill's men had retreated. Private August Sesier of the 140th
New York wrote of the Confederate dead on the battlefield "Miserably clad
and dirty, resembling skeletons, the bodies look more like lumps of flesh
than human beings. Oh mankind, why doest thou destroy thyself?"...My heart
is bleeding and yet perhaps I myself helped to kill.'
Official Report was short and to the point "May 23.--General Cutler's division
leading, got off promptly at 5 a.m. Reached forks, where one road goes to
the ford and one to the bridge, at 9 a.m. Cavalry skirmishing a little in
advance. A deserter says it is Rosser's cavalry; says there is artillery
and infantry on the other side. Turned back to give that road to Hancock
and got possession of crossing at a mill at l p.m. By 3.10 p.m. General Griffin's
division had nearly all forded, and at 3.10 bridge train began to arrive.
About 4.30 bridge was completed and last of General Cutler's division crossed.
About 6 a.m. enemy assaulted us. My right gave way and the artillery drove
back the enemy. We repulsed them everywhere."