Many of the volunteer's at Wilson's Creek just love the history of
the Civil War. Why else would they stand out in the hot sun in wool uniforms
just to fire a cannon once an hour? Many more just love the National Park
system and want to help make it better for future generations.
Some like to teach. Some like to meet people. And some just like to look
cool in those uniforms and show off. But all like learning from others around
Some aren't into the battle so much as the civilian side. Or the medical
side. They like the way of life back in this time period and love to show
others what it was like.
Some aren't into the battle at all, but just want to work in nature. The
interpreter's are only a part of the volunteer work done at Wilson's Creek.
Do you like botany, or geology, or maybe one day think you might like to
get into archaelogy? It's all done at Wilson's Creek.
Are you at least 16 years of age, and interested in the Civil War era?
If so, you can volunteer to work at Wilson's Creek. (You'll have to be an
18 year old male to fire the weapons). In the interpretation division we
have volunteers that...
Dress in period costumes and give tours.
Dress in uniforms and fire weapons or those who give tours.
Those who ride bikes or horses as part of visitor monitoring program.
Those who like to do research and work in the library, transcribing info
onto computers.
Those who greet visitor's in the visitor center
In the other divisions, we have volunteers that...
Do maintenance work, do biology and botany work, do research,
If you want to meet some cool people, learn some neat stuff, and have
a lot of fun... consider spending some of your free time at Wilson's Creek
as part of the "Volunteers in Parks" program.
Wilson's Creek National Battlefield has one of the highest rated
interpretation volunteer programs in the country.....
Do you have what it takes to be the next National Park Service
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