Armies Prepare for Next Engagement
Timeline |
am |
Troops Prepare Defense |
Southern Forces now organize |
& Grey
intermission of half an hour which followed allowed time to carry off the
wounded and arrange the line for another struggle.
In the
intervals of the fight he (Price) would ride far
to the front among his skirmishers, and peer into the thick smoke which tangled
itself among the trees and the bushes, and clung to the ground as though
it wanted to hide the combatants from each other; would peer wistfully into
it till through its rifts he could discern what the enemy was doing, and
then his voice would ring down the whole length of his line, and officers
and men would quickly spring forward to obey it:...Several times his clothing
was pierced by bullets, one of which inflicted a painful wound in his side.
Turning with a smile to an officer that was near him he said: "That isn't
fair; if I were as slim as Lyon that fellow would have missed me
entirely."......One of his aides, Colonel Allen of Saline, was killed while
receiving an order; Weightman was borne to the rear dying; Cawthorne and
his adjutant were both mortally wounded; Slack was fearfully lacerated by
a musket-ball, and Clark was shot in the leg. Colonel Ben Brown was killed,
Churchill had two horses shot under him, Gratiot one. Colonels Burbridge,
Foster and Kelly, and nearly every other field officer, were disabled.
Lorenzo Immell
1st MO
Artillery |
courtesy of Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
(Weightman) He always
suggested to my mind my ideal of praise-God barebones or Christ-died-for-thee
Jenkins of the days of Marston Moor and the Rump Parliament. In him piety
and profanity were in ceaseless conflict for supremacy. Always, before lying
down to sleep at night,...he reverently read or repeated a prayer or some
other episcopal litany. The next minute, perhaps, provoked by some trivial
mishap, he made the circumbient air blue with wholesome imprecations not
found in any book of common prayer...An army chaplain was bending over him
"With pitying glances" and faltering voice, administering words of consolation.
The dying soldier cast his eyes heavenward, and with a look of benign resignation
calmly said: "My trust is in the redeeming grace of the Saviour." Just then
Gen. Rains....gave the apology for a pillow a shove, so as to slightly change
and thereby ease the position of the Colonel's head. This pained or annoyed
him, and turning his gaze from the ethereal regions earthward, he blurted
out: "G-d d--n it, let me alone."
& Grey
I happened
to be one of the wounded, and when we reached the temporary hospital Dr.
Franklin was found with a crowd of patients on his hands. He had an ample
supply of medical stores, though badly in want of assistants. But he utilized
the services of those who were not crippled; they applied bandages, constructed
shades for the sufferers, and brought water from the stream....A spectacle
unusual in most engagements was the presence of many wounded men along the
slope of the hill in rear of the line of battle. Having been treated by the
surgeons, they ranged themselves under the shade of the trees to watch the
progress of the fight and await the result.....For a change, Woodruff sent
an occasional shell at the crowds of wounded men, supposing them to be reserves,
but when Dr. Franklin hoisted a yellow flag his patients were no longer annoyed.
Glancing to the left, in the valley below, we could see the creek filled
with half-naked men washing their wounds and quenching their thirst, while
at some distance further down, within easy range of artillery, but in perfect
security, were groups of Confederates similarly employed.
John Rankin
Co C
2nd Kansas
Infantry |
courtesy of Kancol
Our boys
were dressed in such a motley fashion that it was impossible for a person
to tell our side, whether we were federal or rebel. This stranger came to
the head of our line, halted to make an inquiry, saw that we were Federals,
turned and tried to make away. Several of the men fired upon him unsuccessfully,
until Capt. Russell of the 2nd drew his revolver, and as I have always regretted,
was marksman enough to fatally wound him. He died almost immediately.
Blue and Gray
He therefore
gave orders to leave the field and repair to the open country in rear, where
the unquestioned superiority of his artillery and infantry would not fail
to operate with advantage against superior numbers.....Before the regimental
commanders had time to communicate this order to their captains, there came
about of a sudden the fiercest struggle for the day.
At different
times, I had sent men, one or two at a time, from Capt. Roberts' company
of the first, and Capt. Cracklin's of the Second Kansas, but they did not
return. At length, I rode out myself, and, at twenty yards to the right of
my position, fire was opened upon me, by what seemed to full company. My
horse was killed under me but I escaped unhurt.
William Wherry
1st MO
Infantry |
courtesy of Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
Blair detailed Serg't Houston,...Of the 2nd and perhaps one or two others
to reconnoiter on our right front to see if there was anything to indicate
an advance on the part of the enemy. They were gone but a short time before
they came running back with the statement that the enemy was advancing three
columns deep.
the last charge of the day was made,... |